Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ephina Allstars Part 1

Ephina was a world that was in need for heroes.  A hooded figure watched thur a magical orb looking for hope from elsewhere.  As he watches he sees some candidates.

On Vesperia the world used to be in chaos but that was before an archer came along.

"The archer will be the leader of Ephina Allstars " The Hooded figure said.

The orb moved on to show another candidate.  The archer inspired others to justice on his journey including a former assassin .

The assassin began his path of right by being the archer's second in command but later became leader of his own team.

"The archer will need members he is familiar  this one will be essential"  The Hooded figure said

The orb moved on to show another candidate and this time it left the world of Vesperia.

On Earth There has been a long history of the struggle between good and evil.  After the third world war though the supply of good was limited but one extraordinary man took the torch of hope anyways.  The man was a product of the last war.  Earth's scientists genetically engineered super soldiers.  The program had flaws though.  Most of the super soldiers lost their humanity and became unstoppable killing machines.

He was different though his creator Dr. Amy Light made him watch videos of peace and goodwill.  The result he possessed the same strength, agility, and heighten senses but retailed sanity.

"This one from this blue planet will be perfect.  Orb of Transport bring the candidates here"  The Hooded figure said

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Terror Dawn 7

Before I begin the ending of a project that I started in December of 2010, I just want to take a moment to thank everyone that has given me advice and suggestions on  each part of this saga.  I also want to take Raven.  I know sounds weird I’m taking my main character LOL but, I was in a rut.  I couldn’t get pass the first line in the first paragraph for months prior to the Raven Files.  Raven the Great came to me and I didn’t know it then but, the ride the last of the Entellician has taken me on, has revived my writing and raise the level of talent I believe as well.  Without any further delay here’s the ending of the saga.  Hope you enjoy it.

Raven looked at the mighty archway of Zaude and, knew that the time had come.  He knew that all the training, the travels and adventures had led him to this point.  His memories flooded his system and he witnessed all of his greatest moments in an instant.

Raven saw the first day he met his former student Leblanc.

Raven was in the Manor of the Wicked uncovered.  His mission was to observe the Blood Alliance’s plans but, his plans had a curveball thrown into it when the Barbos brought out a young knight.  Raven acted quickly to save this young man using his grapple arrow and his cloak of phase to help them both escape.

“Boy, I didn’t think Leblanc would become the great commander he is now at that moment”   Raven proclaimed.

He then looked over to Yeager and, his mind flashed over the many details of twists, perils and battles the two have had both together and against each other.  He remembered when they first squared off at Norpolico Stadium.

“Well, little birdie, you have to fight or I kill ya favorite little redhead”  Barbos laughed as he held his sword next to Kaufman neck.

Raven had to defeat three of the Blood Alliance’s finest warriors.  He had no trouble with Zagi, or with Cumore but, then he met Yeager.  Yeager was the first of the three that actually harmed Raven.  He swept his leg with his mighty sickle.  Raven quickly countered with a smoke bomb to give him the time needed to recover.

That was only the first of battles these two evenly matched fighters would have.  The second major encounter ironically took place right here at Zaude when both fighters were left injured with chest wounds that they will never forget, but then something changed their path.

Yeager saw the light and, gave up the path of wickness and joined Raven in his battle against the forces of darkness.  Raven now valued his worse most difficult rival as his most reliable ally.

Raven and Yeager formed Fortunate which no matter what took place today the group of justice and goodwill would continue on till the end of time itself.

Raven looked towards the top of Zaude and his memory flashed again to the first time he stood high on top of the sacred ring of Entellica.  Raven met one of his most devious rivals there.  Duke Fallons.

“Such power in a small package don’t you agree?  It’s called a gun”  Duke fired his pistol at Raven.

For the first time, Raven had faced off with forbidden weapons.  The same weapons that led to the destruction of the first planet.  The blue planet known as Earth.  On Vesperia, such devices were banned due to the dangers they could bring but, Duke had other ideas.

Duke used his weapons to wound Raven and Raven fell to the ocean.  He would had been lost to the world if it hadn’t been for Kam-Re.

Kam-Re the Pegasus saved the archer’s life and revealed a great secret to him.  That secret had led Raven to this point.  He was presented with a tablet that foretold the coming of a greater evil.  Adageagos the hydria Entellica.  The tablet was damaged at the end but, Raven now knew what the missing piece had said.

He rushed into Zaude and began to climb to its top.  His heart was heavy as he approached the peak but, knew he had to do what must be done.  He looked around on the top of the structure and saw the power crystal.  It was a huge blue diamond that floated above the ring.  He placed on hand on the gem and a large platform began to rise in front of the gem.  A huge metal T structure emerged and Raven placed his arms on his outstretch bars.  The cross lit up with a brillant blue shine and, Raven’s body began to course with pain.  He screamed out but, he didn’t lose his resolve.  He knew to save everyone from the corruption of the Adageagos the Zaude canon of purity had to be fired.

The ring glowed with the same blue aura that gem and Raven had.  The ring sent waves of light towards the great beast.  Adageagos hissed and groaned as the light burned his skin.  After two rounds of the pulsing light the ring fired a full assualt of beams.  The beams vanquished any evil that touched their path.  The whole process took only a few minutes but, it felt like an eternality for Raven who was in agony.

Yeager ran to the top of Zaude  and as the giant T platform let go of Raven’s body he caught his body.  Raven’s hands, feet and head were all burned from the time attached to platform.  Yeager was began to reach for his kit to help but, Raven grabbed his hand.

“No, it is my time to leave for now but I will return”  Raven’s body began to turn to ashes.

“Raven!  No”  Yeager wept.

Yeager could only watch as Raven’s ashes began to be lifted into the sky by the winds.  Just for a moment his ashes amazingly wrote out a saying.

“My body is gone, but spirit is with you forever”

The end

Terror Dawn 6

Raven and Yeager went upward a spiral column of steps.  While they journeyed up to the top they could hear the taunts from the multiple head brute.  They picked up their pace as light shined through the opening.  As they reached the top, Yeager looked around and noticed the huge archway behind them.  The arch had a jade crystal perched at its keystone.

“That’s Zaude!”  Yeager pointed.

“Of course, when you fighting an uphill battle you take the only advantage you can get.  I got the home field advantage”  Raven countered.

Adageagos merely laughed at the banter.  He breathed out a dark smoke from his center head and, Alexei appeared from the aura.  Raven and Yeager looked at each other and nodded as they were on the same wavelength.  Raven fired an arrow into the air near Alexei.  As the arrow reached its apex it burst open and showered the area with blinding light.

Raven ran past Alexei while his vision was impaired.  He tossed a serial of black balls behind him as he went which went boom after a few moments closing off any possible pursue.  Raven prepared to fire an arrow at the hydria but, it grabbed him by one of its many heads.

As Alexei’s eyes cleared he was greeted by Yeager’s Leviathan’s Claw.  Yeager swung the huge sickle swiftly back and forth near the herald’s head.  Alexei countered with a shot from his hand gun which grazed Yeager’s shoulder.  He fell to his side as the weight of his prized weapon was too much for his injured arm.  Alexei kicks him to his back and holds his firearm next to his head.  Yeager knew his time was short and options were limited but suddenly he saw one of Raven’s black balls that didn’t explode.  He reached for it and veers his head off the side to miss a shot from Alexei.  He rolled the ball at Alexei’s feet and he trips from the ball.  Yeager pulls out a kniife that he kept hidden away in his boot and slammed it down on Alexei’s wrist/

“Havenor Undine”  Raven chanted .

His brands began to glow and the light blinded the monster’s heads.  He landed on his feet as the creature dropped him.  Raven watched as the heads began to get a smirk on them in unison.

“I think a little brand warfare might be fun,  Polire Havenor Eros Adageagos Alexei Ifrit”  Adageagos chanted.

Alexei’s arms burned as the small black marks at his shoulders grew down his arms.  He grunted as he forced the knife out of his wrist.  He pushed away Yeager with little effort.

“No!  That doesn’t make an Entellican it makes a Sith to have that much power at once.  It supposed to grow and mature overtime with its user.”  Raven proclaimed.

“Yes, your point?  I am not like your spineless master Phaeroh”  Adageagos taunted.

“Havenor Ifrit”  Alexei sent a huge fireball towards Raven.

“Havenor Undine”  Raven countered with a stream of water.

To Raven’s amazement the fire overtook his water and threw him backwards.  He slammed into the wall of Zaude temple.  Raven attempted to get up but, before he could another blast of fiery magic his back keeping him face down to the ground.  When it seemed the most grim he remembered something that Phaeroh once told him.
“Though my life spirit is born of fire, I granting you a stronger force the element of life itself.  Everything lives cause of water and, don’t forget you control all of water’s powers”  Phaeroh echoed in his mind.

“All of water’s powers that includes ice!  Havenor Frosior!”  Raven froze the fireballs sending his way.

Alexei waved his hands in the air and began to spin a ball of flames that grew in size every moment.  His ball of fiery mass increased in heat till it went from red to yellow, to blue, then finally white hot.

“I’m doubting you can block a ball this big with your little ice”  Alexei laughed.

Suddenly Alexei felt a sharp pain in his gut.  He looked down and saw Yeager drove his dagger into his gut.  Yeager fell over as his strength faded.  Alexei stumbled backward and dropped the fireball which exploded

Raven rushed over to Yeager.  He held him in his arms and, couldn’t hold back his tears.  His tears hit Yeager’s body and he began to glow.  Raven watched in awe as the wounds faded away.  Yeager opened his eyes.

“Careful, Kaufman might get jealous”  He joked.

Terror Dawn 5

Raven approached Phaeroh and looked upward at the great phoenix.  He looked back towards Fortuate and, pointed at Yeager.  He curled his finger and motioned to come.  The entire team began to move but, Raven protested.

“No!  Only Yeager,  the rest of you go to Daghgrest and wait for us to return”  He ordered.

“Undine Eros Uno Harenos Phaeroh”  Raven chanted.

“Say what?  Want to try common tongue Raven?”  Kaufman shook her head puzzled.

“Please this is something I have to do, trust me”  Raven pleaded.

Kaufman, Nan and Kandor mounted their rides and, began to leave.  Kaufman was muttering under her breathe.  For the first time in her married life with Raven she was being left out of something and it troubled her.

Once their horses got enough distance that Raven could no longer see them he turned to Yeager.

“Yeager, I am about to undertake an important ritual.  I chosen you to be my support on this journey.  It will be a long and difficult trip, as well as very dangerous.  Be ready”  Raven ordered.

“Havanor Eros Intyius Undine”  Phaeroh recited.

A swirling light surrounded the two men and, and their bodies began to rise into the air.  The light got brighter and brighter till they had to close their eyes to  withstand it.  Raven woke next to a greenish spring with Yeager next to him.  Raven shook his best friend to wake him.

“Yeager, before we continue I must show you my greatest secret”  Raven took off his jacket.

Raven’s arms were cover in long black markings.  Yeager had seen tattoos in the past but, nothing like these.  The markings shined and appeared to move at times.  Yeager reached out to touch one but, Raven pulled away.

“You don’t want to touch these, you would get a shock literally.  Entellexians when they are born are branded by the Entellica they are swore to serve.  In my case, Phaeroh.  The brand starts small on one side at the top of the arm and then grows a little each birthday till it gets all the way down, which is ten years then as you can see  it begins again on the right.  I got brandings on my legs as well but I didn’t think wanted me to take off my pants”  Raven laughed.

“Yeah, I’ll take your word on that one, so fearless leader what are we doing here, and better question where is here?”  Yeager stood and looked around.

“This is an Aer Krene, they are springs of power for my race.  I am going to empower my brands with its energy then we’re going to kill the Adageagos”  Raven dived into the spring.

Yeager watched as the markings began to shine with the same greenish hue the spring was.  He knew Raven’s powers were incredible but, he had his doubts that only the two of them could take out the dark Entellica.

“I know what you’re thinking how can only the two of us beat him.  Well, stop worrying about that I’m fighting the hydria, you just going to fight his herald”  Raven arose from his swim and began to dress.

“His herald?”  Yeager asked.

“Alexei Rosenberg, he picked him to be his servant.  The good news is because Adageagos picked an adult Alexei won’t receive the abilities of my race that’s only when you select a herald as an infant”  Raven explained.

“Like Phaeroh picked up, I got it, but then why doesn’t the others pick someone?”  Yeager puzzled.

“They can, but the brotherhood are very selective.  At the moment there’s only three Entellexians,  Well two and a half really, Alexei, myself and my daughter”  Raven walked over to a huge boulder.

“Daughter?  I didn’t know you had a child.  Wait Kaufman is so young”  Yeager proclaimed.

“My first love, I met her during the great war…Sabrina died during the war.  I couldn’t father the child so I made arrangements that she be taken care of at Aspio/  I hear she’s become quite the inventor”  Raven pressed in the center of the huge rock and it rolled away.

“Ahead is our enemies/  Remember you keep Alexei busy, Adageagos is mine”  Raven ordered.